Какой драйвер подходит к принтеру hp 3050

If you don’t want to waste time on hunting after the needed driver for your PC, feel free to use a dedicated self-acting installer. It will select only qualified and updated drivers for all hardware parts all alone. To download SCI Drivers Installer, follow this link.

Device: HP Deskjet 3050 J610 series Drivers Installer
Date: 2017-09-08
File Size: 1.12 Mb
Supported OS: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Download Drivers Installer

HP Deskjet 3050 J610 series: Drivers List

3 drivers are found for ‘HP Deskjet 3050 J610 series’. To download the needed driver, select it from the list below and click at ‘Download’ button. Please, ensure that the driver version totally corresponds to your OS requirements in order to provide for its operational accuracy.

Version: Download
Date: 2012-09-12
File Size: 3.66M
Supported OS:
Version: Download
Date: 2010-10-07
File Size: 2.14M
Supported OS: Windows XP 32bit, Windows Vista 32 & 64bit, Windows 7 32 & 64bit, Windows 8 32 & 64bit

HP Deskjet 3050 J610 series: Supported Models of Laptops

We have compiled a list of popular laptops models applicable for the installation of ‘HP Deskjet 3050 J610 series’. By clicking at the targeted laptop model, you’ll be able to look through a comprehensive list of compatible devices.

# Manufacturer Model Devices
1 EMachines E3024 26 Devices List
2 Lenovo 3000 J115 Desktop (738786U) 35 Devices List
3 Lenovo ThinkPad X230 (232547G) 34 Devices List
4 Lenovo ThinkCentre A60 (8991A12) 33 Devices List
5 IBM 6218E3Y 30 Devices List
6 HP HP Compaq nc6230 (PZ319UA#ABA) 39 Devices List
7 Lenovo ThinkCentre Edge 71 (1577E6S) 34 Devices List
8 HP HP Compaq 6735s (GW694AV)

We are here to help you to find complete information about full features driver and software . Select the correct driver that compatible with your operating system.

HP Deskjet 3050 driver Downloads for Microsoft Windows 32-bit – 64-bit and Macintosh Operating System.

Download the correct driver that compatible with your operating system.

Windows XP 32-bit, Windows XP 64-bit, Windows Vista 32-bit, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows 7 32-bit, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 8 32-bit, Windows 8 64-bit, Windows 8.1 32-bit, Windows 8.1 64-bit, Windows 10 32-bit, Windows 10 64-bit

Macintosh OS X (v10.5), Mac OS X (v10.6.x), Mac OS X (v10.7.x), Mac OS X (v10.8.x), Mac OS X (v10.9.x), Mac OS X (v10.10.x), Mac OS X (v10.11.x), Mac OS X (v10.12.x)

HP Deskjet 3050 Full Feature Software and Driver for Windows (54.43 MB)

HP Deskjet 3050 Full Feature Software and Driver for Mac 10.8 to 10.12 (136.60 MB)

HP Deskjet 3050 Full Feature Software and Driver for Mac 10.7 (110.83 MB)

HP Deskjet 3050 Full Feature Software and Driver for Mac 10.5 and 10.6 (92.04 MB)

Download HP Deskjet 3050 All-in-One Printer drivers from hp website

Type 1: How to install hp deskjet 3050 j610 driver.

Using installation CD, how to install HP Deskjet 3050 All-in-One printer driver.


  • Ensure your computer is with CD/DVD drive.
  • Need installation disc of Deskjet 3050 printer which came along with accessories bundle.
  • USB cable to connect with HP Deskjet 3050 All-in-One printer.

Guidelines to install HP Deskjet 3050 driver via CD/DVD drive.

  • Switch on your computer where you want to install HP Deskjet 3050 printer driver.
  • Until unless you asked to connect USB to the computer please don’t connect it.
  • Just put in CD/DVD into your computer and execute the setup file. It triggers to start the installation wizard. Then follow the instruction until to finish it.
  • While the process you will be ask to connect USB cable between Deskjet 3050 All-in-One printer and computer.
  • So wait for that and connect only when it asks you to connect. It will detect the HP Deskjet 3050 All-in-One printer and go ahead to next step if all goes well.
  • Now you can print from HP Deskjet 3050 All-in-One printer as the driver has installed.

Type 2: How to install HP Deskjet 3050 printer driver.

Using setup file (without CD/DVD), how to install hp 3050 driver.


  • Download setup file of respective hp deskjet 3050 j610 driver from the above-recommended link.

Guidelines to install driver for HP Deskjet 3050 printer using downloaded setup file.

  • Switch on your computer where you want to install HP Deskjet 3050 driver.
  • Until unless you suggested to connect USB cable to the computer, please don’t connect it.
  • Download the setup file from above link if you didn’t download them yet. Run the setup file as administrator. It triggers to start the installation wizard. Then follow the instructions until to finish it.
  • at the execution of this wizard you have to connect USB cable between Deskjet 3050 All-in-One printer and your computer.
  • So wait for that and connect only when it asks you to connect. It will detect the Deskjet 3050 printer and go ahead to next step if all goes well.
  • Input the values for each step in the wizard and complete the install.
  • Now your printer is ready to use as the software of HP Deskjet 3050 printer driver installed successful.

Type 3: How to install HP Deskjet 3050 driver manual way.

Using “Add a printer” option in Windows, how to install HP Deskjet 3050 printer driver manual way.


  • Download printer application and setup file of HP 3050 printer from the above-recommended link.
  • USB cable to connect with the printer.

Guidelines to install HP Deskjet 3050 printer driver using downloaded setup file.

  • Switch on your computer where you want to install hp deskjet 3050 j610 driver.
  • Just connect USB cable between computer and printer.
  • Extract the application zip files to a file location.
  • Click on Start button and type “Printer”. You will get an option like “Add a printer”. Click on that.
  • The next instruction will ask to point out where the driver located. Do that according to the progress.
  • Just answer the wizard options till configuring the HP Deskjet 3050 All-in-One printer.

The above instruction helped you to install HP Deskjet 3050 driver and make the printer working fine. Thank you!

HP Deskjet 3050A e-All-in-One cartridges

HP Deskjet 3050A basic driver for windows 64 bit (22.3 MB)

HP Deskjet 3050A full feature driver for windows (54.72 MB)

HP Deskjet 3050A e-All-in-One printer driver for Mac 10.6 to 10.12 (144.52 MB)

HP Deskjet 3050A e-All-in-One printer driver for Mac 10.5 (97.17 MB)

HP Deskjet 3050A e-All-in-One printer drivers from hp website

Type 1: How to install HP Deskjet 3050A driver.

Using installation CD, how to install Deskjet 3050A printer driver.


  • Ensure your computer is with CD/DVD drive.
  • Need installation disc of HP 3050A e-All-in-One printer which came along with accessories bundle.
  • USB cable to connect with Deskjet 3050A e-All-in-One printer.

Guidelines to install HP Deskjet 3050A driver via CD/DVD drive.

  • Until unless you asked to connect USB to the computer please don’t connect it.
  • Just put in CD/DVD into your computer and execute the setup file. It triggers to start the installation wizard. Then follow the instruction until to finish it.
  • While the process you will be ask to connect USB cable between HP 3050A printer and computer.
  • So wait for that and connect only when it asks you to connect. It will detect the HP 3050A e-All-in-One printer and go ahead to next step if all goes well.
  • Now you can print from HP Deskjet 3050A printer as the driver has installed.

Type 2: How to install Deskjet 3050A driver.

Using setup file (without CD/DVD), how to install Deskjet 3050A printer driver.


  • Download setup file of respective Deskjet 3050A driver from the above-recommended link.

Guidelines to install driver for Deskjet 3050A e-All-in-One printer using downloaded setup file.

  • Switch on your computer where you want to install Deskjet 3050A printer driver.
  • Until unless you suggested to connect USB cable to the computer, please don’t connect it.
  • Download the setup file from above link if you didn’t download them yet. Run the setup file as administrator. It triggers to start the installation wizard. Then follow the instructions until to finish it.
  • at the execution of this wizard you have to connect USB cable between HP 3050A e-All-in-One printer and your computer.
  • So wait for that and connect only when it asks you to connect. It will detect the Deskjet 3050A e-All-in-One printer and go ahead to next step if all goes well.
  • Input the values for each step in the wizard and complete the install.
  • Now your printer is ready to use as the software of HP Deskjet 3050A software installed successful.

Type 3: How to install Deskjet 3050A printer driver manual way.

Using “Add a printer” option in Windows, how to install Deskjet 3050A driver manual way.


  • Download printer application and setup file of Deskjet 3050A e-All-in-One printer from the above-recommended link.
  • USB cable to connect with the printer.

Guidelines to install Deskjet 3050A driver using downloaded setup file.

  • Switch on your computer where you want to install HP Deskjet 3050A driver.
  • Just connect USB cable between computer and printer.
  • Extract the application zip files to a file location.
  • Click on Start button and type “Printer”. You will get an option like “Add a printer”. Click on that.
  • The next instruction will ask to point out where the driver located. Do that according to the progress.
  • Just answer the wizard options till configuring the 3050A e-All-in-One printer.

The above instruction helped you to install HP Deskjet 3050A software and make the printer working fine. Thank you!

Когда в 2012 году на свет появилось МФУ HP Deskjet 3050A, все были поражены его чрезмерно низкой стоимостью - всего $50-60. Мало кто тогда поверил, что за такие деньги можно получить отличный домашний принтер «три в одном». Но прошло некоторое время, и купившие девайс люди в один голос заявили, что устройство действительно отличное. Конечно, есть и те, кто придрался к HP Deskjet 3050A, однако качество печати в любом случае превосходило цену, установленную производителем.

Сегодня мы поговорим о том, как для HP Deskjet 3050A, а сделать это довольно просто.

Сегодня мы рассмотрим:

1. Скачиваем драйвер с официального сайта

Естественно, первое место, где стоит искать драйвер для HP Deskjet 3050A , - официальный сайт HP, ведь эта компания заботится о своих клиентах, постоянно выкладывая новое ПО для своего оборудования.

Итак, чтобы скачать заветный драйвер, нужно перейти по ссылке . На странице вам предоставят два варианта получения драйвера.

Если вы выберете первый вариант и нажмёте кнопку «Проверить» , то вам будет предложено скачать утилиту Hp Support Solutions Framework , призванную упростить процесс обновления драйверов для продуктов HP. Чтобы начать скачивание утилиты, нажмите на кнопку «Установить» во всплывающем окне. После скачивания утилиты запустите полученный exe-файл и следуйте инструкциям.

Данная утилита хороша тем, что с её помощью можно загрузить драйверы для любых продуктов HP, а также регулярно проверять наличие новых версий драйверов.

При выборе второго варианта (кнопка «Перейти» ) вы окажетесь на странице загрузки драйвера для HP Deskjet 3050A .

Как вы уже догадались, чтобы начать скачивание драйвера, нужно нажать кнопку «Загрузить» . Дождавшись завершения загрузки, запустите скачанный файл. Выполните все инструкции установщика, и ваш принтер заработает.

2. Используем стороннее ПО

Если манипуляции, описанные выше, слишком сложны для вас, то вы можете использовать стороннее ПО, которое мы обозревали в статье « ». Советуем вам использовать онлайн версию DriverPack Solution .

Этот вариант хорош тем, что вам не придётся заходить ни на какие сайты. Всё, что нужно будет сделать, - запустить программу, выбрать драйвер принтера и дождаться его установки!